Passing strings between TinyGo and JavaScript


I definitely don’t know what I’m doing, if there’s a better way of doing this I’d love to know about it! 🙂

The Interface


The Interface to our ‘interpreter’

Our WebAssembly module needs a way to interact with the user in order both collect input and show the output. So to start with I updated the webpage from the previous post to include a number of textarea elements and a “Run” button.

   <textarea id="input"></textarea>
   <button disabled id="run-button">Run</button>
   <textarea disabled id="output"></textarea>
<div class="log-area">
   <textarea disabled id="log"></textarea>

Now we could just use the println function to do the equivalent of a console.log from our TinyGo code but it could be useful to have a log on screen to provide feedback to the user.

Passing strings from TinyGo to JavaScript

To achieve this we first need a JavaScript function which takes some text and appends it to the “log” textarea element on screen.

const log = document.getElementById('log')

function logText(text) {
   log.value += text + '\n'

Next we need some way to reference such a function from our go code. If we define a function but not implement it TinyGo will recognise it as an external function whose implementation should be provided by the surrounding JavaScript.

package main

func log(message string)

func main() {
   log("Hello, World!")


The Go tools inside of VSCode will complain about the missing implementation for the log function but TinyGo itself will compile this happily.

Lastly all we have to do is adjust our wrapping JavaScript code to pass in the implementation for the log function to the module’s environment. While we’re at we might as well wire up that “Run” button.


function onRun(runner, wasm) {
   return (event) =>

go.importObject["main.go.log"] = logText

WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("/js/wisp.wasm"), go.importObject)
   .then(module => {
      let wasm = module.instance

      runButton.disabled = false
      runButton.addEventListener('click', onRun(go, wasm))

That should be everything connected up, time to give it a whirl!


Not exactly what I had in mind…

Hmm… 🤔

This result quickly prompted an extended session of searching around for the “right” way to pass values back and forth between my WebAssembly module and the surrounding JavaScript code. Unfortunately I didn’t really come across anything that seemed to work for me.

I did find that Go has a syscall/js module which seems to handle exactly this kind of thing along with a tutorial series that makes use of it. The problem is that it seems to fly in the face of the examples (which I did manage to reproduce) on the TinyGo website where it appears the compiler is handling most of these details.

Unable to find an example to copy I decided it was time for a peek behind the curtain…

Digging Deeper

On my travels I did manage to find out some more information about WebAssembly itself

  • WebAssembly only has basic integer and float types

  • A module has its own memory and is represented by an ArrayBuffer in JavaScript code.

Before long I had a hunch that the random number that was being displayed in the textarea element was in fact the memory address of the string to be logged. If that was the case, how should the memory in that location be interpreted so that we’re able to extract a string from it?

After some more research I discovered that TinyGo is using the LLVM compiler toolchain and that you can ask it for the intermediate representation which it passes to LLVM in order to generate the WebAssembly code.

$ tinygo build -no-debug -target wasm -printir -o public/js/wisp.wasm main.go > debug.txt

Now, there is a lot going on (20,000+ lines) in this file as it includes not just our simple program but the Go runtime required to execute it. Thankfully with Ctrl-F to the rescue, it’s easy enough to track down where our “Hello, World!” string is defined

@"main.go.main$string" = internal unnamed_addr constant [13 x i8] c"Hello, World!"

I don’t know the first thing when it comes to LLVM’s IR representation of code but after looking into how it thinks about arrays we see that [13 x i8] indicates that our string is represented by an array of 13, 8-bit integers.

Awesome, we now know how to interpret the values we see in the WebAssembly module’s ArrayBuffer, but how will we know how many values to look for?

Let’s try and find our log function…

declare void @main.go.log(i8*, i32, i8*, i8*)

Ah, just like the log function in our go code it has no implementation since this is to be provided by the JavaScript wrapper. However instead of a single argument it now takes 4! Interesting… let’s track down our main function and see how it is used.

define dso_local void @main.go.main(i8* %context, i8* %parentHandle) unnamed_addr {
call void @main.go.log(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8], [13 x i8]* @"main.go.main$string", i32 0, i32 0), i32 13, i8* undef, i8* undef)
   ret void

Wow. Umm… there’s a lot going on here… what if we try “squinting” at this code a bit

define void @main.go.main(...) {
call @main.go.log(i8* getelementptr (... @"main.go.main$string",...), i32 13, ...)
   ret void

Ok, so it looks like there’s a call being made to our log function and getelementptr appears to be returning the memory address of our “Hello, World!” string and look! The i32 13 argument appears to be passing in its length! I have no idea what the other arguments are supposed to represent so let’s just ignore those for now! 😃

Instead why don’t we tweak our logText implementation of this function to take a second argument and see what happens

function logText(addr, length) {
   log.value += addr + " " + length + '\n'

That looks promising!

Extracting the String

Assuming our assumptions are correct we should now have all the information we need in order to extract the string from the WebAssembly module’s memory. ArrayBuffer objects in JavaScript don’t seem to be the most intuitive to work with but I was eventually able to come up with this.

function logText(addr, length) {
   let memory = wasm.exports.memory
   let bytes = memory.buffer.slice(addr, addr + length)
   let text = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Int8Array(bytes))

   log.value += text + '\n'

After getting the reference to the memory object we use the slice method to obtain a copy of only the bytes that represent our string. Unfortunately bytes on their own are meaningless unless you know how to interpret them. To enable this there is a whole collection of views that can be wrapped around a given array of bytes to attach meaning to them. From our explorations above we know that we should use an Int8Array.

From there we map the String.fromCharCode function over the array of ints to convert them to a string. Finally, we should be able to see our “Hello, World!” string output to the log area



This did require a slight tweak to the way we load the module so that we have a global wasm reference that our logText function is able to use to access the module instance directly.

let wasm


WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("/js/wisp.wasm"), go.importObject)
   .then(module => {
      wasm = module.instance

      runButton.disabled = false
      runButton.addEventListener('click', onRun(go, wasm))

Passing strings from JavaScript to TinyGo

Phew, at least we’re halfway there! Now that we’ve figured out how things actually hang together it’s “just” a matter of doing the inverse process to pass a string from our JavaScript code into our WebAssembly module. As a proof of concept let’s create an echo function in TinyGo that will simply log whatever text it receives.

//go:export echo
func echo(message string) {

In order to actually pass a string to this function, we need to insert the string into the memory of the WebAssembly module before calling echo with its address and length.

Manipulating Memory

The problem is, where exactly in the module’s memory should we place the string? We can’t shove it anywhere as we could corrupt memory required for some other part of the program. It is possible to grow the memory assigned to a module instance which technically would be free for us to use(?) But it doesn’t exactly feel right, having two competing codebases manipulate the same memory layout seems to be asking for trouble…

Thankfully I came across this comment on an issue in the TinyGo project which provides a way we can work around this.

var buf [1024]byte

//go:export getBuffer
func getBuffer() *byte {
   return &buf[0]

If we declare an array of bytes in the module, the TinyGo compiler will allocate space and manage it for us. Then by exporting the getBuffer function we provide a way for our wrapping JavaScript to ask for the address to the region of memory we have reserved for it. This region of memory should then be safe for us to write to from JavaScript provided our go code only reads from this array

Now with some reserved memory to use we can write a function that takes a string and inserts it into the module’s memory.

function insertText(text, module) {

   // Get the address of the writable memory.
   let addr = module.exports.getBuffer()
   let buffer = module.exports.memory.buffer

   let mem = new Int8Array(buffer)
   let view = mem.subarray(addr, addr + text.length)

   for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
      view[i] = text.charCodeAt(i)

   // Return the address we started at.
   return addr

As with the earlier case, we need to create an Int8Array in order to attach meaning to the bytes and so that the numbers representing the characters in the string are encoded correctly. Also note that we’re using the subarray method this time so that we’re modifying the original array and not a copy.

Calling the Echo Function

With a way for us to insert the string we want into the module’s memory we should now be in a position to call the echo function passing the starting address and length of the string we want it to echo. However instead of hardcoding the string this time why don’t we take it from the input textarea we have on the page.

const input = document.getElementById('input')

function onRun(runner, module) {
   return (event) => {
      // First, we need to run the module in order to define everything.

      let inputText = input.value
      let addr = insertText(inputText, module)

      // Now just pass the memory location to the relevant function.
      module.exports.echo(addr, inputText.length)

Wrapping Up

That’s about it, if you want to have a look at the final codebase then you can find it here.

This apparently simple task was certainly a lot more work than I expected it to be, but if nothing else it’s forced me to learn a bit more about some of the lower-level details of working with WebAssembly modules.

I don’t think this is necessarily the right approach though.. ok we’re able to pass a (simple!) string back and forth between our TinyGo code and JavaScript. But there are more details that still need to be considered

  • This solution does not handle Unicode. There is however a TextEncoder API available in the browser that looks like it might go some way towards fixing this.

  • I thought the fixed buffer size in the go module would be an issue - how would you handle inputs larger than 1024 bytes? However after a quick test with about 5K of text it seemed to not matter? 🤷 Though I’m sure there’s ways to break it.

  • Finally, what about more complex data structures? Sure we’d probably be able to encode them as JSON and pass them around that way but I’m sure that would introduce unnecessary overhead.

And with all that said isn’t this a problem that the toolchain should be solving? Perhaps I’m just using it wrong 🤔