Creating a CPython Extension


Before diving into the detail I think it would be worth keeping in mind what we want the end result to be. By the end of this post, we want to have a CPython extension that allows us to write normal-ish Python code to construct a representation of some expression

>>> import ccalc
>>> expression = (ccalc.Literal(1) + 2) * 3
>>> expression
Multiply<Plus<Literal<1.0>, Literal<2.0>>, Literal<3.0>>

and then be able to pass this expression to the AST evaluator we wrote in the previous post and have it compute the result

>>> ccalc.eval_ast(expression)

If you’d rather skip all the exposition you can find the final codebase

We can break the implementation down into 3 main steps

  • Constructing an AST Representation

    We need an equivalent Python representation to the AstNode structure, allowing the user to express the expression they want computed.

  • Setting up the C Extension

    Before we can get to the fun part, there’s some setup required to get a CPython extension up and running.

  • Converting Between Python and C

    Finally we need to write the code that converts the Python representation into the C representation, passing it off to the evaluator before converting the result back into Python.

Constructing an AST Representation

To represent the AST in Python code we can create a class that captures the same information as our AstNode struct from the C code

class AstNode:

   LITERAL = 0
   PLUS = 1

   def __init__(self, type=None, value=None, left=None, right=None):
      self.type = type
      self.value = value
      self.left = left
      self.right = right

From there it’s simple enough to create some subclasses that help us fill out the correct fields.

class Literal(AstNode):
   def __init__(self, value):
      super().__init__(type=AstNode.LITERAL, value=float(value))

class Plus(AstNode):
   def __init__(self, left, right):
      super().__init__(type=AstNode.PLUS, left=left, right=right)

class Multiply(AstNode):
   def __init__(self, left, right):
      super().__init__(type=AstNode.MULTIPLY, left=left, right=right)

Technically that’s all we need but we haven’t really gained anything in terms of usability, constructing an AST from the classes we have defined so far would be just as painful as it was in C.

Thankfully though, we don’t have to stop here, by taking advantage of being able to define implementations for arithmetic operations on our custom types we can introduce a much nicer method of constructing expressions.

class AstNode:

   def __init__(self, type=None, value=None, left=None, right=None):

      # Automatically convert python numbers to Literal(x) AST nodes
      if left is not None and not isinstance(left, AstNode):
            left = Literal(left)

      if right is not None and not isinstance(right, AstNode):
            right = Literal(right)


   def __add__(self, other):
      return Plus(self, other)

   def __radd__(self, other):
      return Plus(other, self)

   def __mul__(self, other):
      return Multiply(self, other)

   def __rmul__(other, self):
      return Multiply(other, self)

Now if we wanted to construct an expression we can do so with fairly straightforward Python code.

>>> import ccalc

>>> (ccalc.Literal(1) + 2) * 3
Multiply<Plus<Literal<1.0>, Literal<2.0>>, Literal<3.0>>

>>> ccalc.Literal(1) + (2 * 3)
Plus<Literal<1.0>, Literal<6.0>>

However, as shown with the second example above we need to be careful when choosing the number to wrap in our ccalc.Literal class if we want to “catch” the expression and construct our AST rather than have Python compute the value directly

>>> 1 + (ccalc.Literal(2) * 3)
Plus<Literal<1.0>, Multiply<Literal<2.0>, Literal<3.0>>

Setting up the C Extension

Using this tutorial from Real Python as a guide I was able to get a C Extension up and running surprisingly easily. Be sure to check out the article for details but in short I ended up creating the following directory structure

├── ccalc
│   └──
├── ccalcmodule.c

Where the file contains the Python code we wrote in the previous section and ccalcmodule.c contains the boilerplate needed to define a Python module

#include <Python.h>

static struct PyModuleDef ccalcmodule = {
   "Simple calculator implemented in C",

   return PyModule_Create(&ccalcmodule);

The PyModuleDef struct as the name implies, defines some basic information about the module

  • It’s name _ccalc, specifies what our module is called when we import it in regular Python code

  • The next argument is the module’s docstring

  • -1 is something to do with sub-interpreters?

  • ccalc_methods is an array of structs delcaring all the functions this module exposes to the interpreter.️

Something that caught me out is that the PyInit_<module name> function must match the name we gave the module in PyModuleDef, since the module name is _ccalc I needed an additional _ character in the name so that the module can be registered correctly.

The methods declared in the ccalc_methods array follow a similar pattern

static PyMethodDef ccalc_methods[] = {
   {"hello_world", method_hello_world, METH_VARARGS, "Print 'Hello, World!'."},
   {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} // I think this is required so that Python knows when
                         // it's reached the end of the array
  • hello_world is the name we want regular Python code to use when calling this method

  • method_hello_world is the name of the function in our C code

  • METH_VARARGS tells Python the kinds of arguments our function should be called with. Check out the documentation for more details.

  • The final parameter sets the docstring for the function

Finally we need the the actual method definition itself.

static PyObject*
method_hello_world(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
   printf("Hello, World!\n");

Building the Extension

To my surprise, this was the easiest step of them all. Rather than worrying about writing a Makefile or providing the right flags to link against my version of Python, it turns out that setuptools takes care of all those details.

All I had to do was write a standard file, just with some additional information about the extension itself

from setuptools import setup, Extension

ccalcmod = Extension("_ccalc", sources=["ccalcmodule.c"], language="c")

    description="A simple calculator implemented in C",

With the packaging defined a python install was all that was needed to build and install the extension into my virtual environment.

With the C code sorted and building, we can import it in Python code and call functions from it just as we would with any other module.

>>> import _ccalc
>>> _ccalc.hello_world()
Hello, World!

Converting Between Python and C

Now for the fun part! It’s time to write a method for our extension module method_eval_ast that takes a Python representation of the AST and converts it into our C representation before executing it and passing the result back up to Python.

static PyObject*
method_eval_ast(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)

// Be sure to expose the new method to the module
static PyMethodDef ccalc_methods[] = {
   {"eval_ast", method_eval_ast, METH_VARARGS, "Evaluate the given ast."},

This can be broken down into a three step process

Parsing Function Arguments

When writing a METH_VARARGS style function, it gets called with 2 parameters self and args. self in this case is a reference to our _ccalc module and args is a reference to a tuple containing the arguments that were passed to our function.

As the contents of this tuple can be arbitrary it’s up to our code to correctly interpret the values that have been given to it. Thankfully Python provides a handy function PyArg_ParseTuple that can take care of this for us.

PyObject *obj = NULL;

if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &obj)) {
   return NULL;

This function takes a format string that specifies the number and type of arguments we expect to be given. In this case "O" says that we want to take a single object - our AST. We also need to pass the correct number of pointers into this function so that it can “return” the parsed values to us.

In the case of invalid arguments being given, this function will set the global error indicator for us with the correct error message. So all that would be left for us to do is to return NULL which indicates to the code calling us that there was an error. See the documentation on error handling for more details

Constructing the C AST

With a reference to the Python object that (hopefully!) represents a valid AST it’s time to do the conversion into our C representation. To do this we’ll write a function dedicated to handling the conversion and call it from method_eval_ast

AstNode *ast = AstTree_FromPyObject(obj);
if (ast == NULL) {
   return NULL;

The first step is to dynamically allocate enough memory to store the C representation. Easy enough to do, assuming that you know the size of the tree…

Allocating Memory

It took me a while to realise it, but even though we’re writing C code we are still within the Python interpreter. This means we still have access to all the standard Python functions - we just need to look up their C equivalents. Why not just ask the tree itself how big it is by calling len() on it?

After a quick trip to the documentation I discover that len is “spelt” PyObject_Length in the C API, add some of the required book keeping and we should be able to allocate enough space

static AstNode*
AstTree_FromPyObject(PyObject *obj)
   Py_ssize_t num_nodes = PyObject_Length(obj);
   if (num_nodes == -1) {
      return NULL;

   AstNode *ast = malloc(num_nodes * sizeof(AstNode));
   if (ast == NULL) {
      return NULL;

   // ...

Something important to note here, up until now we’ve been calling into the Python C API which has been taking care of reporting any errors it encounters. However, the call to malloc is now our code and it’s our responsibility to correctly report any errors we counter.

If we were to leave the code as is and this call to malloc fails, Python would know that an error had occured but not be able to tell the user what was wrong.

>>> import ccalc
>>> import _ccalc
>>> _ccalc.eval_ast(ccalc.Literal(2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
SystemError: <built-in function eval_ast> returned NULL without setting an error

Instead we also need to call PyErr_SetString to raise the appropriate exception that describes our error.

AstNode *ast = malloc(num_nodes * sizeof(AstNode));
if (ast == NULL) {
   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "Unable to allocate memory for the AST.");
   return NULL;

With the information set, Python is able to report a much better error message to the user

>>> import ccalc
>>> import _ccalc
>>> _ccalc.eval_ast(ccalc.Literal(2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
MemoryError: Unable to allocate memory

Finally let’s not forget to jump back to the Python code and implement __len__ on our AstNode class.

class AstNode:

   def __len__(self):
      left = 0 if self.left is None else len(self.left)
      right = 0 if self.right is None else len(self.right)
      return 1 + left + right

Inspecting Nodes

With the memory to hold the tree allocated it’s time to start on the actual conversion. To handle this we’ll write another function AstNode_FromPyObject that we can recursively call whenever we need to descend down a branch. This function will take a reference obj to the Python representation of the node we’re currently converting, another reference ast to the memory we allocated and finally an index into the array that we should write the node to.

static int
AstNode_FromPyObject(PyObject *obj, AstNode *ast, Py_ssize_t index)
   AstNode *node = &astindex];
   // ...

The first step in the process is to determine the type of node we are converting, which we can do by inspecting the value of the type field.

PyObject *type = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, "type");
if (type == NULL) {
   return 0;

long node_type = PyLong_AsLong(type);

The call to PyObject_GetAttrString is equivalent to obj.type in Python and returns a new reference to a generic Python object. In order to get an actual number we need to use PyLong_AsLong to convert it.

In theory type could be a reference to anything, so there’s always the chance that PyLong_AsLong could fail in which case it would return -1. As stated in the documentation we should really be performing extra checks here to determine if the value is actually -1 or if there was an error but I’ve decided to omit those for now.

Something else to note is that type was a new reference and since Python uses Reference Counting internally it’s our responsibility to decrement the count (using Py_DECREF) when we are finished with it - at least that’s what I think should be done based on what I found in the documentation on ownership

Converting the Node

Now that we have an integer node_type that corresponds with one of the AstNodeType enum entries we can use a switch statement and start writing the conversion code for each type in turn.

switch(node_type) {

   PyObject *value = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, "value");
   if (value == NULL) {
      return 0;

   double v = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);

   // ...

Considering the Literal node types first, we can follow a very similar process to the previous section to extract the value field from the node giving us enough information to fill out our first AstNode instance!

node->type = AST_LITERAL;
node->value = v;
node->left = NULL;
node-> right = NULL;

return 1;

As this node type has no children there’s no further work to do and we can return successfully. However, in the case of AST_PLUS and AST_MULTIPLY things aren’t as straightforward…

Traversing the Tree

Handling the other node types starts off easy enough, since they are almost identical we can handle their differences in the switch statement and then use the remainder of the function to handle recursing down both the left and right branches.

case AST_PLUS: {
   node->type = AST_PLUS;
   node->type = AST_MULTIPLY;

We can then get references to the child nodes in the same way we’ve been referencing all the other fields so far

PyObject *left = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, "left");
if (left == NULL) {
   return 0;

PyObject *right = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, "right");
if (right == NULL) {
   return 0;

Then “all” that is left to do is set the left and right pointers on the AstNode struct and call AstNode_FromPyObject on each branch - remembering to adjust the index value accordingly.

node->left = &ast[index + 1];
node->right = &ast[index + 2];

if (!AstNode_FromPyObject(left, ast, index + 1)) {
   return 0;

if (!AstNode_FromPyObject(right, ast, index + 2)) {
   return 0;

return 1;

At least… that’s what I wanted to do initially, unfortunately this solution wouldn’t work in practice,. If left is a reference to anything other than an AST_LITERAL then it’s children would be overwritten when we start processing nodes on the right branch!

This had me scratching my head for quite a while, trying to come up with a way to compute the correct offset for the right branch - without success.

Instead, since this is C I ended up changing the index argument from an actual Py_ssize_t to a pointer to one. This allows recursive calls to increment the index as needed and by the time execution returns to the top level function, the value referenced by the pointer is automatically the correct value.

node->left = &ast[*index];
if (!AstNode_FromPyObject(left, ast, index)) {
   return 0;

node->right = &ast[*index];
if (!AstNode_FromPyObject(right, ast, index)) {
   return 0;

return 1;

I have no idea if this is a terrible idea for real world scenarios, but it seems to work well enough for this at least.

To complete the conversion code, all that remains is to make the initial call to AstNode_FromPyObject from our main AstTree_FromPyObject function

Py_ssize_t index = 0;
if (!AstTree_FromPyObject(obj, ast, &index)) {
   return NULL;

return ast;

Returning the Result

Phew! That was a lot of work but we’re almost there. We just need to add a few more lines to method_eval_ast that takes the newly constructed AST and evaluates it, before converting the result into a Python float and returning it.

double result = ast_evaluate(ast);
return PyFloat_FromDouble(result);

That’s the C Extension finished, the only thing we could do is import the _ccalc module from ccalc and expose the methods we want to present a unified interface to users of the module.

# In ccalc/
import _ccalc

eval_ast = _ccalc.eval_ast

And that way we can now make the example code from the start of this post actually work!

>>> import ccalc
>>> expression = (ccalc.Literal(1) + 2) * 3
>>> expression
Multiply<Plus<Literal<1.0>, Literal<2.0>>, Literal<3.0>>

>>> ccalc.eval_ast(expression)

Final Thoughts

There was a lot of code flying around in this post, if you want to see the final result in its entirety you can find it

Best Practice?

This was my first CPython extension so I might be missing out on some best practices, for example a question I had was around my use of malloc and free. While writing this section I found the documentation on memory management and it appears that the recommendation is to use the PyMem_* family of functions, even for allocations that are not PyObjects. However it looks like there is a learning curve to these as some functions require holding the GIL and some don’t.

Hmm… speaking of the GIL, should this extension be acquiring it at any point? 🤔

Another approach

Another note worth mentioning is that it looks like it’s possible to define custom types directly in C. This means it should be possible to extend the AstNode C struct to be an object than can be manipulated directly from Python code - bypassing the need for all the conversion code we had to write.

However, I decided against this approach mainly because the “convert between the representations” approach means we get to evolve the Python and C representations semi independently. Assuming that the Python representation exposes the correct fields then any method of generating the AST from Python is perfectly valid.

Anyway, I think this post has gone on long enough I hope you found it useful and I’ll see you in the next one!