Python 3.x Gotchas

Here is a collection of potential issues and gotchas to watch out for when writing Python 3.x code.

pathlib on 3.5

While pathlib exists in Python 3.5, it’s not fully integrated yet. Passing a pathlib.Path object to the built-in open method will result in a surprising error

TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('path/to/file.txt')

In this situation it’s better to call the path’s method instead.

Explicit super() required for dynamically created classes

It seems that there is a bug surrounding classes created using the type(name, bases, attrs) method where the “magic” that allows for the implicit use of the super() function is not setup correctly. Therefore if we were to create a class that wishes to delegate to the base class’ implementation we will have to provide the information to super() ourselves.

import cmd

def init(self):
   # Add our stuff here...
   super(self.__class__, self).__init__()

MyPrompt = type("MyPrompt", (cmd.Cmd,), {"__init__": init})

Click under Python 3 is picky around encodings

If Click is unhappy around the execution environment it finds itself in, it will refuse to run. The workaround for this is to make sure that the appropriate environment variables are exported before invoking a Click program

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export LANG=C.UTF-8
